Hogar Dero Calefactor Diseñado para disfrutar del fuego mientras calienta los radiadores de toda la casa

Dero Boiler

Whole-house wood heating

Our powerful Dero wood-burning fireplace, with cast iron front and large-view integral thermal glass, has been designed to enjoy the fire and also provide warmth to the whole house. The Dero firebox incorporates a boiler that allows hot water to be sent to the radiator circuit as well as to the domestic hot water system. It can be used as the sole source of heating, or in combination with a traditional boiler, providing great savings on your energy bill.

Total control

Thanks to the optional electronic regulation kit, you can control the start and stop of the circulation pump according to the desired temperature set by a room thermostat. You can also combine wood heating with your existing heating system with other fuels.

Design and quality

Sober and elegant lines give life to this timeless design made of high quality materials such as cast iron, steel and ceramic glass. The adjustable legs make it easy to adjust its height on site, and the included finishing frame allows for a perfect finish to the installation.

Chimenea de leña H-02/22

A further step in our commitment to sustainability

All Hergóm products have been redesigned to adapt to and comply with the European Ecodesign standard and the strictest international controls, far exceeding the minimum requirements in terms of performance, CO and particulate emissions.

By using wood as fuel in a highly efficient Hergóm stove, you will be contributing to a less polluted and more sustainable world.

More information about our ECODESIGN commitment >

Nominal Power i

Nominal Power
Nominal Power
25 kW

Maximum Power i

Maximum Power
Maximum Power
34 kW

Efficiency i

84 %

Configuration and options

Technical specifications


Hogares calefactores, la solución más económica
Hogares calefactores, la solución más económica

Hogares calefactores, la solución más económica

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